Know Thyself
These famous words have been carried down for centuries, but no matter how ancient they are, the TRUTH contained within them will never grow old.
Sometimes I amaze myself! Here I am a grown woman, married and raising children thinking "I Know Myself"......... Right......... Wrong. Most of what I thought I knew was not really me. It was mainly a character that had been created by how my parents raised me, my peers, my past experiences, social programming and who knows whatever else. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! So after figuring all that out I had to ask, "Well, how does one get to know theirself?"
I realized then that I needed to REALLY study........ME.
So I:
1. Made a book all about myself. I call it my "Know Thyself Book". It includes my birthchart, the meaning of my names (birth and current), the meaning of my Zodiac sign, the meaning of the week and the exact day I was born. Iy also includes an explaination of my Destiny and my relationship compatabilities with my loved ones. This book I read as often as possible. It is a great way to reflect and learn the truth about self.
2. I made myself a "Destiny Necklace". The beads are all gemstones, each one represents either my
Destiny, my zodiac, or the meaning of my name. I wear it all the time as a reminder of who I am and what I'm here to do.
3. I keep a journal of my dreams. I learned that our dreams is how our subconscious talks to us.The more you listen the more it will talk. Also the more you start to really pay attention the easier it will be for you to comprehend what your subconsious is saying.
4. I pay more attention to my surroundings. The universe sends many messages throughout the day, but most of us are not listening or are ignorant of the signs. I look for any incounters with animals or insects, also any coincidences, or synchronocities. Believe me, they all have a meaning. I've been keeping a journal of these too.
5. This one I find to be the most important of all!!!!! I now talk to and pray to my soul!!!!! We've been taught to praise, uplift and worship everything outside of ourselves (God, celebraties, over-achievers, etc.). What about our own souls? If we are constantly feeding other things and people our souls are starving. UPLIFT YOUR SOUL, and it will reveal its many secrets to you.
I hope that this info will help you along your own path to self mastery.