"Moontime", what is that?" It is our menstrual, our menses, our period, our time of the month. The time that most women dread. Why? Most women would say it's because it's nasty, or it makes them feel dirty and that cramps are horrible. But why do we hate a natural part of our existence that makes us who and what we are............... Feminine?
"Why do we have to go through this?" - I've heard that question soooo many times. My response is why does the sun rise, why does the day turn to night, why do the seasons change? It is all a part of nature. Our cycles are a part of life, and not just a part of life, it is actually a REAL part of life. It is such a major part, that all human life would eventually cease to exist if every woman stopped menstruating.
"So why do most women absolutely despise it?" - It's because they don't understand, heck, I'm just learning to comprehend. This has been a long slow walk for me. In the past I thought my menstrual was the worst thing in the world. Cramps, Bleeding, Headaches, oh my!!! I suffered. Now I look forward to that time.
Once a woman comprehends the power of her menses, she can then learn how to use it. - Our "Moontime" can be used to determine the health of our wombs, to gain introspection into our own personalities, to harmonize with our Heavenly Mother (The Moon), and Mother Earth. We can also use it to heal, make wishes, transform and much more. Later I will discuss all of this and much more, but for now I will explain how lifestyle determines whether you will have a happy "Moontime" or not. Here are a few ways to relieve yourself from the curses we've placed on our precious gift.
1. The Pain - We DO NOT have to experience pain. It has been 17 yrs since I have had cramps. NO LIE!! How did I accomplish that?
First, - I've only been with one man (my husband) for the past 26 yrs.
When a woman has more than one sexual partner her womb is always in a turbulent
state. It takes almost six months for our wombs to adapt to the DNA of our mate. So
if there is more than one her womb is probably going schitzo, and believe me she
is going to feel it.
Next - I Breastfeed!!!!
After a woman has a baby if she REALLY breastfeeds she should not have a
menstrual at all. Breastfeeding is a natural Birth Controll!!!
Last, but not least - I take wild yam capsules when I am not breastfeeding.
Wild yam is the main ingredient in birth control pills. If you take one a day
(when you're not bleeding), just like the pill, you will have light periods,
no cramping and no odor.
2. The Smell - Foul odors are usually the result of three things. One - bacteria,
Two - menstrual products and Three - foreign objects.
An unclean womb is breeding grounds for bacteria, fungus and viruses. Ladies, we've have got to keep our wombs clean (and not with summer's eve). I'm talking about clean spiritually and physically. Everything we put on or in our "garden" should be natural, organic, loving and friendly. :) Really, we should not be using anything bleached, containing formaldehyde, made of plastic, rubber, latex, or ingredients made in a lab.
Instead of using Always or Kotex, buy or make your own pads from all natural cotton.
3. Mood swings - These are caused mainly by negative thought patterns and eating habits.
We know what happens when children eat too much sugar or red dye #40.
So what does it do to us? What about caffeine, too much meat, dairy
products, wheat, etc. Watch what you eat and you will see your life change.
If you become more conscious of your body, your life, your "Moontime" you will begin to see the world in a different light. Life is grand and our "Moontime" can be also, when you know what to do. I have been blessed with the knowledge and I am more than happy to share. I have herbas to help relieve menstrual cramps, and I have created "Moontime Wish Kits". You can find them both on my Etsy shop.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me on FB. I am Ohmega TheJhini. Please remember - Take care of your womb and your womb will take care of you! Peace