This blog is to help raise conscious awareness about ourselves, our planet and our Universe. Harmony and Balance must be achieved in order to have Peace and Prosperity in our daily lives.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Cleansing and Using Your Crystals!!!!
I absolutely love crystals. I mean.... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CRYSTALS!!!!
Let me tell you, I can't even count how many times I have been asked, "what is the point, what do you get out of working with crystals? They just look like pretty rocks to me." My response is, "Yes, they are very pretty rocks, but they are also so much more than that."
We are all so blessed to be here, and to be alive in such a time as this. The Sun, The Moon, The Plane upon which we live are liken to Divine Parents who provide all of our needs. From the air that we breathe, to the water that we drink, to the fruits, vegetables, the herbs, the meat, and Crystals that we eat. Crystals?!? Yes, even crystals. There are two very important crystals that we eat..... Salt and Sugar. Without salt we would not be able to control the fluids in our bodies, nor would our muscles and nerves function properly. Also salt can be used to fight off bacteria on the teeth or in open cuts and sores on the body. The wonderful tasting sugar plays a major role in providing energy for all the cells of the body. This knowledge alone made me look at crystals in a different light.
When healing the body we use healthy foods, vitamins, and/or herbs. We find the right combinations for each of our conditions. A lady might take cramp bark or evening primrose for her menstrual issues, then later take apple cider vinegar and garlic for her hypertension. This same lady might purchase magnesium for her husband's insomnia and nutmeg because her child just caught the stomach flu and she needs to stop the diarrhea. Food, herbs, and vitamins are for our physical bodies while crystals and gemstones are the vitamins and herbs for our spiritual bodies.
Just as our physical bodies can become infected, tired and ill, our spiritual bodies may also. As a matter of fact it is our spiritual bodies that become infected first, and because it is the spiritual body that is our protective shield, our physical bodies are left vulnerable to all sorts of ailments and dis-eases. So, how do we use these crystals? Well, just like each herb has a different affect on the physical body, each stone has a different affect on the spiritual body. If one needs to become calm and focused to commune with the Devine or have prophetic dreams an Amethyst placed over the Third Eye would work great. If the spiritual body is being infected or drained by a situation or others a Black Tourmaline pendant would help to restore ones protective shield. If one needs strength, courage and endurance Bloodstone carried in the pocket and/or meditated with will bring the energy needed. Knowing what stone to use for your desired outcome is very important, more important is being able to be receptive to their subtle energies. I once held a crystal for less than a minute, but that stone had my hand tingling and having muscle spasms for a good 3 hours after I put it down! I felt very connected to that stone, which leads me to this next point. You must find which stones work best for you. Just because Amethyst may help one person tune into the spiritual realm another may find that Sapphire is their medium.
When buying crystals it is imperative that you take your time. It is best not to just grab any stone off the top of the pile. I usually sift through the stones taking note as to which ones stand out to me and how they make me feel. After I have chosen my precious gems I take them home and prepare to cleanse and empower them.
On their own, crystals have very subtle energies, vibrating on a such a small frequency the average person can not feel them. That is why imbuing your stones with your intentions is such an essential part of using crystals. In ancient times kings, warriors, and other high ranking men would seek out the advice of an Oracle (very spiritual Lady). She would give them higher knowledge onhow best to handle certain situations. These Oracles would go into deep meditation and would then select the proper crystals for those who sought answers. The Oracle would always program the crystals with the desired intention, then she would set them in a breast plate or on the handle of sword for the men to be empowered by her work. Later these women were deemed "Witches" and were executed by the opposing forces. The knowledge and the wisdom of the Oracles was stolen, given over to the priests, and for a time all women were forbidden to practice their own rites. To this day there are men who still try to use the ancient arts of the Oracles, but without the true receptive nature of a Lady they're connection to the crystals is minute in comparison. As projective beings, the energy of men is much stronger and better utilized in the building, and protecting aspects. Men are great protectors of their families and communities. They are to protect not only on the physical plane, they also protect on the spiritual plane. Spiritual warriors are just as if not more important than physical warriors, for they fight to save our souls. Men are also great builders. This is also their position on both planes. They build homes to provide shelter for their loved ones and cultures to guide humanity into a better way of life. No Lady can ever Protect or Build like a Man and no Man can Devine or Nurture like a Lady. Whenever we try to step into each other's positions our own gifts are ignored and become weakened. With that being said, let us get back to the crystals.
Once we have cleansed and imbued our gems with our intentions their vibrations become much stronger. When cleansing please note that there are several ways in which one can do this. You can place them in a bowl and cover them with Himalayan or sea salt. This method can take up to a week, but it is a good one. My favorite is to place them on the banks of a river, or creek. This method allows the natural running water to physically wash the stones and spiritually take the energy away with the current. Before we moved back to Washington we had a creek in our back yard, I would place my crystals in a mesh bag then use a large rock to hold it in place, then I would leave my crystals in the creek over night. When I retrieved them the next day they felt so alive!
Now that I do not have access to a creek I often smudge my crystals. Smudging is most effective during the waning phase of the Moon. I like to smudge for at least an hour. First I gather the stones and place them in a metal colander.
I then light a charcoal and place some myrrh on top. Sage is also a great herb to use.
Next I put a top on the colander and place it over the myrrh allowing the smoke to cleanse the stones. **Note** Certain stones react to heat (Amethyst is one). Be sure to place all heat sensitive stones on top of others to keep them away from the hot charcoal.
For the type of colander that I have I had to prop it up so that the colander did not touch the charcoal. As you can see I had to use my salt and pepper shakers because they were the perfect height, but hey, I guess that works because like I said salt is a crystal too! You know, I am now starting to realize just how powerful salt is. Salt works on both planes. It is healing for the body and is also used as a barrier when sprinkled at the entrance of a home or building to keep negative energy from entering. WOW! Ok, back to the subject at hand.
When I see the smoke start to die down I lift the colander and add more myrrh or another charcoal if I want to smudge more. I smudge until I sense that my crystals a fully cleansed of the old energy.
Whichever method you choose, remember that your stones should be cleansed when you first buy them and again whenever you feel they need it.
To program or imbue the crystals you must first set your intentions. What do you want the stones to help you with? When you are ready you should meditate on and with them, sleep with them under your pillow, and carry them in your pocket. There are so many ways to empower your crystals. However you feel you need to connect with your stones, do it. The only wrong way that I can think of, is to put them inside your body which is a whole different subject that I will discuss soon. Other than that have fun, be creative and enjoy these beautiful gifts from Nature. Peace
Gem Stones,
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