Friday, January 26, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away!! Day 10

Day 10
Friday - Venus- - Day of Love and Relationships

Today we will focus on Self-Love, because if we do not have REAL love for ourselves, we can not TRUELY love anyone else. Many of us think that we love ourselves, but there is tons of evidence stacked against us that states otherwise.

I will now ask a series of questions. Please answer them honestly. I am not asking you to share your answers, this is just for your own knowledge.

1. Do you drink enough water throughout the day?

2. Do you exercise?

3. Do you eat HEALTHY meals and get enough rest?

4. Do you value other's opinions over your own? ( this does not apply to your mate)

5. Do you feel comfortable sitting in a quiet place alone for extended periods of time?

6. When you look in the mirror is the first thought that goes through your head one a disapproval or disappointment?

These simple questions should give you an idea of your level of Self-Love.

Now, how to build Self-Love:

1. You must first recognize that you do not Love yourself as you should.

2. You must figure out why and seek to heal yourself from that hurt.

3. Stop letting others abuse or take advantage of you.

4. You need to start showing yourself some LOVE. Do special things for yourself. Give your Soul something it has been longing for.

Once you take just the first step to heal and Love Self I promise you will notice small miracles happening all around
This is the Universe saying "Good job! Here is a gift to help keep you going.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away. Day 9 (Revised)

Day 9
Thursday - Jupiter. Day of Destiny and Prosperity

This is the day we remember our individual life purpose. What are you here to accomplish? Do you know? Have you ever thought about it? One way to know is to think about all the things you have always had a strong passion for. Write them down and study them. Usually when you add them all up you can see the big picture. You may be amazed by what you come up with once you seriously take the time to take a look at your inner self.

There are signs and messages that come along to help us out from time to time, so pay attention. If you start seeing animals or insects look them up to find there meaning. Also, for those who read Tarot or get readings, take special note of any cards that resurface more than once. These are all signs that you do not want to miss. They will make your journey easier if you listen to their Wisdom.

Another way, is to read your birthchart. This will tell you your greatest gifts as well as those character traits you need to work on. Your birthchart will give you deeper insight even if you already know what your Destiny is.

As you begin to travel down your path be very aware of people and situations that become stumbling blocks or attempt to completely take you off your path. You must be willing to completely disassociated yourself from any and all disruptive energies. For they will surely make you forget your mission.

Also, keep a piece of Black Tourmaline with you when you have to be around others of different frequencies. Staying Focused and keeping your energies Pure will take you far!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away Day 8

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away

Day 8
Wednesday - Mercury Day of Communication, Study and Travel

Today is the day to do something new. If there is some place you have always wanted to go, now is the time to go. If there is a class you have been wanting to take, now is the time to do so. And if there is a conversation you NEED to have with someone or there is a speech you are about to give, now is the time to prepare or do it. Believe me, there is a reason your Soul is nudging you to do these things. It is time to listen, you might be amazed where it takes you.

My daughters and I had been talking about taking a class for several months, but we kept putting it off. One day I finally decided to stop by the class and speak with the instructor. That day she told me that she had a Groupon and that instead of paying $120 for 12 classes we only had to pay $50 for those same 12 clases. When I went on Groupon I found out that the deal was only good for 8 more hours! To me that was proof that when you listen to your Soul you will be blessed.

If you are to travel or go some place new, a piece of Smokey Quartz will assist you. If you wish to learn something new get yourself a piece of Tiger's Eye. For those who need communicate assistance, Blue Lace agate will do the trick.

Whichever way your heart leads you follow it. It may lead you to find something you have always been missing in your life.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away! Day 7

Day 7
Tuesday- Mars..... Physical Strength and Endurance!

Today we will focus on our Physical Bodies, for without them we would not be able to utilize the gifts of Earth to advance our Spirits.

Whenever I think of this spell I think of the Magician in the Tarot. Can you imagine the end results of her/his spells if she were doing her work while sick with the flu, stressed out or just plain out of energy? I really don't think she would get the results she was looking for. We cast spells daily. When we pray, make future plans, cook, care for our loved ones, these are all forms of spiritual work. So, shouldn't we all be striving to obtain optimal health all of the time?

Today we should do something to build our bodies and our physical energies. Sprinkle a little Cayenne pepper in your socks and grab you a piece of Bloodstone and a Carnelian stone to put in your pocket. Each of these items will add to your endurance. Once you have them go for a nice long walk or jog. Fresh air is the best for cleansing our lungs and it puts a lot of oxygen into your bloodstream. Extra oxygen = higher thoughts and vibrations.

Take care of your physical body and become the best Magician you can be!

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away. Day 6

Day 6

Monday - Moon (Family and Home)

With the beautiful energy of the Moon, today we will focus on our homes. Declutter is the mission.

Often we have things that at one time were very useful, but for one reason or another, we no longer need them anymore. When we get into the habit of hanging on to items past their usefulness, we begin to cause stagnation not only in our environments, but in our lives. This habit does not stop with items in our homes, we often carry this energy into other aspects of our lives. We stay in situations that we should have removed ourselves from long ago. Whether it is a job, a conversation, or a relationships with an associate, family members, and even your current mates, you must learn to remove negative energies from your life on all levels.

Let us take the first step to break this nasty habit. Pick one room of your home and get rid of everything you have not used in quite some time. Somethings may be hard to let go of, but if you wish to change your life you must let them go. Donate these items to a women's shelter or give them directly to someone that you know can use them. By donating in this spirit you will reap the benefits of the "Mother Moon" energy and learn to declutter your Life.

In short: when we have clutter in our homes it shows that we have clutter in our minds and in our hearts which keeps clutter in our Lives.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away Day 5

Day 5
Sunday- Sun .....Day of Spirituality

Today is the day that we enter into the Spiritual realm. Many of us go throughout the days, weeks, and months tending to all of our physical needs from bills, to work, and everything else, but what about our spiritual lives? Well, now it's time...Let us take a moment to connect with our Ancestors.

What most of us don't comprehend is that our ancestors really want to help us. They want us to have the best, but they also want something from us. Most of our ancestors seek to assist us in obtaining a better life so that when they return, they will be born with it. They've come to the realization that they should have fough harder to create wealth and better traditions to pass on to their decendants, so they wish to assist now. This makes it so important that we recognize that our ancestors will only attach themselves to the decendants that they approve of. They must approve of your lifestyle, and most importantly, your mate.

In most cases our ancestors were proud of their heritages. They took honor knowing from where their blood came from. So, when we choose mates who do not vibrate on the same or even higher frequencies than our original bloodline, we cause conflict between ourselves and our ancestors. Know that if the frequencies are too opposing, our ancestors will actually flee from us.

Today you should take time to communicate with your ancestors. Sit in a quiet place and have a real heart to heart. Let them know that you comprehend the laws of the Universe, and that you welcome them back. Whether they are to be your children or your grandchildren, you must welcome them to come back through you. In exchange, you must keep yourself on the path of the Wholly ones in order for you all to obtain that which belongs to you and your lineage.

Burning a mixture of Wormwood, Mugwort and Sage will readily open the lines of communication. And remember, whenever seeking to communicate with the ancestors you must be honorable and honest.

Ancestral incense is available at:

The spell of the day is Honoring Our Ancestors and never forget...

Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away! Day 4

Day 4
Saturday- Saturn (Reap what you sow)

The last day of the week. This day is an accumulation of the energy you put out and took in during the week. It is time to cleanse your home and your aura.

As we go about our daily lives, we come in contact with many different energies. Some are pleasant and agreeable with our own, while others are not. These energies are often absorbed into our auras and at the end of the day, when we return to our homes, we unknowingly shed the adopted energies into our personal environments. These foreign vibrations can cause minor to major disturbances within our lives. You may begin to notice items being lost or broken, bodily injuries such as burns, cuts, bumps and bruises.These are all signs that negative frequencies are running amuck in your home.

The following two part House Blessing is designed to remove negative energies from your home and/or other personal spaces, and place a protective barrier leaving a harmonious balance.

House Blessings should be performed at least once a month, but especially if you have had a visitor who may have brought a negative frequency with them.

To do a House Blessing you will need:

At least 1 herb to trap the negative energies such as Sage, Myrrh, Benzoin, Garlic or Cumin ( you can also make a mixture using 2 or more of the above.)

At least 1 herb to invite positive energies in such as Copal, Frankincense, Palo Santo, Cedarwood or Sandalwood. You can also make a combo of these herbs.

2 charcoal (hookah tablets)

First make sure that all your doors and windows are closed. Next, open all your cabinets and closet doors. Burn the first incense (sage, myrrh, garlic etc.) making sure to get the smoke EVERYWHERE! Once the smoke is in every room, closet, cabinet and the smoke detector is probably about to go off (lol), then open all of the doors and windows to let the energy out. After the smoke has cleared light a new charcoal and burn incense #2 with the doors and windows still open.
Incense #1 is made of herbs which collect and imprison negative energy. The smoke will carry the energy out once the doors are opened.
Incense #2 is made of herbs which invite positive energy in.

To obtain a complete"House Blessing" kit follow the link below.

Friday, January 19, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away!
Day 3

Friday (Venus)..... Love Spell

Our spell for today is more of a challenge than a spell, but the outcome will have the same effect.

Ladies, I know that sometimes we can lose sight on what kind of a man we have. Through hard times we forget those special things that attracted us to him in the beginning. You may have fellen in love with him, because he was intelligent, loving and protective, or it may have been because his life goals matched up with were you wanted to go in life (same Destiny). Whatever the case, we need to reconnect with it so that we can take our relationships to the next level instead of spinning our wheels in a world that teaches us not to love, honor and respect him.

So, today I challenge all you Ladies who are in relationships to be very agreeable today. Agree with everything he has to say, be supportive of any ideas and go along with it. You know, like how we were when we were dating! Become that woman again. Find out what his new dreams, plans and goals are. Understand where he plans to lead the family. Make a vow to yourself that you will not question him, disagree or be sarcastic. Now if you see there is something MAJOR that he may have overlooked, lovingly inform him. Other than that, give Him the wheel, and let this be the start of renewing your marriage. If you are single at the moment this is the time to start preparing yourself. Start the healing process from your past traumas. Please know you will not heal without a period of true celibacy! Once you start working on your healing process start a journal. Write out what you are looking for in mate. What things are most important to you? When you meet someone find out if this person. Has those important qualities. If he does not move on!!! You should now know from experience what happens if you don't.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Spell A Day Keeps The Doctors Away. Day 2

A Spell A Day Keeps the Doctors Away.
Day 2

Today is Thurday! This is a great day to do Prosperity Spells.

Prosperity Potpouri:
3 cinnamon sticks
1 tbl. Allspice
1 tbl. Clove
1 tbl. Nutmeg
1 orange
Your wallet

Get a medium size pot, fill halfway with water, add first four ingredients. Peel the orange and place peel in the pot. Turn the potpourri on high until you get steam. Pass the orange through the blessed steam 3 times. Pass your wallet through the steam 3 times. Turn the heat down to low and allow to simmer as much as possible for the next 3 days. Add water when needed. Always turn potpouri off when you leave home and when you go to sleep. Never leave unattended.

Eat and share the orange with everyone in your household so that everyone will be blessed with Prosperity!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A spell a day keeps the doctor away! Day 1

Today I begin "A spell a day keeps the doctors away" series. These spells are daily rituals to help us stay conscious of our spiritual, mental and physical bodies and the necessity for ritual if we want to produce change and growth. These spell will range from health, wealth, relationship, child rearing and more. I will post them here on my FB page. (The Afro Witch Connection) Hope you enjoy, and please remember you can cater these spells anyway that works best for you. They are just to get you going.

Day 1. Yesterday was the New Moon. This is a GREAT time to write out new goals. Most often people write wishes at this time, but I think when write wishes we subconsciously leave the outcome in the hands of another entity (god, ancestors, spirits, etc.). When we write goals we take control of our own lives and we show the universe that we are serious and ready to move to the next level. Seeing this we receive a different kind of help (IE.) When you take one step "Your Soul" takes two. Our Souls are design to help us when we help ourselves.

So today we write out our goals. Write only three. It could be one for your health, one for your relationship, one for your finances etc. Write them on a piece of Parchment paper using some form of natural ink. Make your own if possible. Ladies, the strongest ink you can use is your own Menstrual blood (WOW so powerful). Dragon's Blood is great. (Oohhh....Dragon's Blood mixed with Menstrual Blood!!!!I think this will be my favorite!) Beet juice can also be used. If none of these are available pencil lead will work also. Keep this paper with you as much as possible. Take it with you into prayer and meditation, sleep with it under your pillow, carry it in your pocket, and read them over and over again. Plant these goals deep inside your subconscious like seeds in your garden. Later you will plant this paper in the ground to add to the seed symbology.

Meditating and writing your goals is the Spell of the day. Take these and call me in the morning! 😇