Friday, July 27, 2012


The Virtues of the djinn

1.      SELF LOVE- The quality and length of your life depends on it.

2.     HONESTY- You cannot change or evolve without it.

3.     NOBILITY- Is knowing what to do and when to do it. It is also knowing what to say and when to say it.

4.     PURITY- Is keeping one’s Aura free from all forms of negativity.

5.     HUMILITY- Humble yourself to TRUTH, JUSTICE and NOBILITY, regardless of its source.

6.     DISCIPLINE-Is needed to master your greater goals.

7.      CHASTITY- Giving oneself only to one’s ETERNAL mate or mates.

8.      KNOWLEDGE- Knowledge is the vessel upon which we travel the road to success.

9.     RESPECT- Give it only where it is due.

10.  COMPASSION- We are all prone to occasional folly. Forgive those who seek evolution.

11. DESTINY- Every human being has a gift to share with the universe. What is yours?

12.  RECIPROCITY- Do unto others as they have done unto you. Maintain appreciation and self-respect.

13.  PASSION- The strength and motivation it takes to Evolve.

14.  RITUAL- Structure and repetition eliminate chaos and failure.

15. INSIGHT- The ability to see the essence of every person or situation.

16.  CONNECTEDNESS- To be conscious of your surroundings and to remain in harmony with the order of the Universe.

17.   BALANCE- Emotional stability is the beginning of true Tranquility.

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