Thursday, July 5, 2012


Please remember: These are the Rituals that We do for each of the Phases. They are posted as an example to give you an idea of the energy that is available to us all during this phase.

“Full Moon”
“As We Bask In the Fullness of Her Loving Glory, We Begin A New Chapter In Our Own Life Story.”

Time of: Birth, Harvest, and Reaping:
   If you have been diligent about your character changes and accomplishing your goals, you will now begin to see the fruits of your labor.

Things to do during this Phase:
   This is a great time to end projects, reach agreements, get answers and ask for favors. Starting the day after the Full Moon is the best time to prepare herbal remedies, for they are most potent now. It is also the time to break bad habits, accept proposals, eat with less weight gain, go crabbing or gathering shell fish because they will be meatier. Also any form of hair removal will last longer at this time.

Things not to do during this Phase:
   The Full Moon is a time of heightened aggression and stress so take care. This is also not a good time for any types of surgeries as healing takes longer, it is also not a good time to cut your hair unless you desire the hair to grow slower (maybe body hair).

Preparation: (The day of or the day before the Full Moon)
  1. Find a place outside where you can sit for at least 15 min. in silence to listen to the sounds of nature. Be fully attentive to everything around you. If you see or hear any animals, birds or insects be sure to note what they are doing then check out their meanings (Animal Speaks by Ted Andrews and the internet have a great deal of information about this). Whatever creatures appear are blessing you with a message that will bring enlightenment.
  2. Memorize the “Chant” and repeat it several times a day.

The Ritual:
Can be done alone, but is better performed in the loving energy of other females.

The Altar for this Ritual contains:
Animal Totem: Wolves (They Howl or Give Reverence To The Full Moon and Represent Family Structure, Rituals, And Order. They Also Teach Us How To Properly Express Our True Power Without Using Brute Force And They Show Us How To Utilize Everything We’ve Been Blessed With.)

Candles: Gold (Prosperity, Maturity, Wealth, Abundance, Wisdom)

or White (Pure Honest Reflection, Creativity, Ultimate Potential)

Crystals or Stones: Pearls or Moonstones (Represent The Moon, Control Over The Emotions and Abundance)
And All Types of Sea Shells (The Primordial Waters of Earth, Birthing Fluid)

Food: Cakes, Cookies, Wine (All represent a time of Joy and Reward)

Incense: Frankincense (Spiritual Truth, Cleansing, Purity)

Instrument: Harp or Flute (Both are instruments representing Festivities,
Joy and Entertainment)

Activities for this Ritual:
During this Ritual we go outside to see the Full Moon and absorb Her radiant beauty. We walk barefoot on the grass to connect with the Mycelium. We also play music, dance (belly dance) and give gifts. This is truly a time of joy and reward.

For Moon ritual incense and other spiritual items go to
Peace and Prosperity be to you all.

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